Allianz Global Investors

Assertive delivered a strategic PPC campaign for Allianz Global Investors to help increase sign-ups & campaign awareness whilst maximising ROI & keeping CPA down.


Increase in






Increase in

Conversion Rate

Allianz Global Investors is a global investment management firm managing assets on behalf of institutional & retail clients.

The client was looking to run a pay per click campaign to drive awareness of the student programme / global graduate schemes and to encourage sign-ups.

The objective of the PPC campaign was to help drive interest in career opportunities with Allianz Global Investors for business and investment management graduate programmes.

Services Performed

  • PPC


The challenge for Assertive was to setup a thorough, well structured pay per click campaign with isolated single keyword adgroups for different locations with different ad schedules, bid adjustments and strategies.

Using a mix of different Google Ads experiments, Assertive were able to setup a comprehensive PPC campaign to deliver results. The challenge was to ultimately increase the number of applicants through the Allianz Global Investors campaign whilst maximising spend efficiency to avoid wastage.

The overall challenge scope was to double the number of applicants.

The Goals with Allianz
Global Investors

  • Research and Understand AGI Graduate Programme
  • Research keywords & identify better quality, higher conversion prospects
  • Research audience demographics for targeting
  • Planning split bid strategies
  • Setting relevant bid adjustments and running campaign
  • Alternating ad groups & ad text to maximise CTR
  • Isolate negative keywords
  • Monitor conversion throughput
  • Increase the number of graduate applications
  • Increase the number of student applications for the investors
  • Increase relevant traffic
  • Reduce spend wastage
  • Split test bid-strategies
  • Monitor top level campaign performance
  • Test different bid adjustments and their impact
  • Monitor landing page traffic performance
  • Focus on CPA reduction

The Strategy for Allianz

The strategy for Assertive was to fully understand the client requirements, the landing pages and the target audience / audience demographics. With an understanding of the model and target audience, Assertive setup and ran a mix of search ads and display ads, all using split bid strategies and targeting to identify what works and what does not.

Using ongoing campaign refinements, we were able to hone the campaigns to the right keywords, placements, ad content, targeting & more to increase CTR and conversion whilst reducing overall CPC’s by more than 50%.

Assertive tested a diverse range of campaign split tests to ascertain everything from best performing ad content through to site extensions, call outs and landing page CTA.

The Four-Step Process to SEO Consulting

Our SEO team doesn’t believe in red tape, which is why we try to streamline our onboarding process, so you can skip the boring stuff and get straight to optimisation strategies that will grow your business.

Are you considering a new agency?

We can provide a quotation / response to RFP's for SEO services including auditing, consultancy, training & strategy execution. We provide bespoke SEO campaigns tailored to your growth objectives.


Book a 1-1 Call with Assertive to Discuss Your Organisations Needs

Book a call - discuss your objectives & current pain points, growth plans, ROI targets & receive a tailored quote that takes into consideration your growth needs as well as your current organic status.

Daniel Carter Founder/Senior SEO